International medical guide for ships 3rd edition

The International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd edition is published by the World Health Organization. The regulation sets out the recommended quantities of medicines required to be held by ships and it has standardized the quantities per number of crew.

By who is the regualtion used

International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd edition is used:

  1. By vessels which operate under flag states which do not have national or federal requirements.
  2. By local regulations which refer to the International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd edition as the regulation of choice for vessels operating under their flag state.
  3. By ship-owners or captains who prefer to use the International Medical Guide for Ships, 3rd edition to the regulation of their flag state because the Medical Guide is globally recognized and includes medical supplies which are more easily obtainable.

Quantification addendum

The quantification addendum stipulates the requirements for the on board medical inventory and the medicine chest during a voyage.


The regulation explains how to diagnose, treat and prevent health problems in seafarers, with a focus on the first 48 hours after injury.

Dangerous goods

When the vessel is carrying dangerous goods, the medical chest should also be in accordance with the:


Seafarma is able to supply the medicines, medical supplies and arrange certificates in accordance with the regulation or can offer alternatives if necessary. For questions, orders or sales quotations, please contact our staff.